How Healthy Are Your Kitchen Habits?

How Healthy Are Your Kitchen Habits?

How Healthy Are Your Kitchen Habits?

What we are going to eat seems to be a constant, relentless question in our house.  

I don't know about you, but it feels like we are constantly talking about food.  Either we have to go to the store to get something, trying to come up with what to eat next, or deciding who is going to make it.

With a little one to consider the question seems even more relentless as skimping on the quality of a meal often leaves us with guilt.  Even when we are exhausted and decide toast with some topping will just have to do this night, I usually feel guilty or like we have somehow stunted his growth and development.  Seriously, how does one person have to eat so much?!  Then I calm down and put things in perspective.  

We may not get a gold star for every meal we prepare for Bubs or ourselves, but we do the best we can.  We have also developed good habits around the easy things we can influence.  When we know we are short on time we try and cook in larger quantities and then store the food in our fridge all wrapped up and kept fresh in our LilyBee.  We love seeing those cheery parcels waiting for us.  And eliminating how much toxin from plastic touches our food.    

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