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Turning the Tide on Plastic Use

Turning the Tide on Plastic Use

Turning the Tide on Plastic Use

LilyBee Sails the World

There have been a few sleepless nights in our house lately. Every time we hear about the overwhelmingly negative impact plastic is having on our world, it leaves a knot in our stomachs... just like the poor seabirds who mistake plastic as food and have plastic knots of their own that cause them to starve to death. It’s keeping us up at night. Or when you read about the toxic chemicals that seep into our food or the microplastics in the water we consume. Did you know that at least 8 million tonnes of plastic leak into the ocean each year? That's like emptying a garbage truck into the ocean every minute! It’s shocking, overwhelming and disturbing. Especially when you look for ways to make a change and realise plastic has seeped into every area of our lives. It’s hard to escape!

Luckily people are starting to pay attention. Take the Volvo Ocean Race that we recently attended. Second only to America’s Cup in the sailing world, this prestigious race has a team named Turn the Tide on Plastic who is working tirelessly to spread the word about the impact plastic is having on our seas. With the ocean as their racetrack, they see the plastic pollution problem firsthand. More than that though, they're helping to spread awareness of everyday solutions that can radically reduce the amount of plastic each individual is using.

Because that’s how real change happens. With each one of us taking a stand and making small achievable changes in our daily habits, it adds up to a massively positive impact on the planet.Turn the Tide on Plastic is thrilled to be carrying LilyBee on board, right alongside their world-class equipment measuring the number of microplastics in our oceans and their efforts to get the word out about the devastating impact of plastic. (They use it to wrap sandwiches and all kinds of snacks while they race around the globe). LilyBee Wrap is a practical and beautiful everyday solution to single-use plastic wrap. It’s reusable, natural, compostable and with good care lasts six months to a year or more.

We spent months perfecting our recipe so families just like ours could make an easy change and a big difference in the health of our environment and families. Each time you use LilyBee Wrap it’s one less piece of plastic out there in the world. What started as our family’s mission to reduce the amount of plastic waste we produced has evolved into a global movement. Our wraps are now sailing around the world onboard Turn The Tide On Plastic as part of the Volvo Ocean Race inspiring others to do the same. Just like this team of plastic saving sailors, each family can become a catalyst for change. Together, we CAN turn the tide on plastic.

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