What trees should I plant for the bees?

What trees should I plant for the bees?

What trees should I plant for the bees?

As part of Bee Aware month, we will be providing you with tools and knowledge to help the honeybees in your backyard, no matter how small or large your garden is. First up is what to plant!

Honeybees make the beeswax we use in our LilyBee Wraps, so it's our duty to help educate our community on the ways we can help them thrive in our environment.

There are a number of things you can do to help, and planting bee-friendly trees and wildflowers is a simple, beautiful and effective way to improve bee health.

Adding these herbs and flowers to your garden are an easy way to help nourish and feed the honeybees, making them more capable of fending off disease and parasites. Use our list as a starting point and tag us on social media with your bee-friendly gardening efforts – we’d love to see!


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