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It Finally Happened...

It Finally Happened...

It Finally Happened...

It's no secret people love LilyBee Wrap. We get emails every day telling us how glad they are to have an alternative to plastic wrap that works so well. That means a lot of homes across NZ have made the switch to LilyBee and are reducing their unnecessary reliance on single-use plastic, like glad wrap. We are excited that so many Kiwi's have made the switch.  

Together we are saving a lot of plastic from going into the world.  Which we find super inspiring!

But, it finally happened...

That's actually exactly what I heard yesterday. I was playing with our Little Bee on the floor and I heard Miko say, "It finally happened."  It was in a predictably monotoned voice. When I asked him what was wrong he broke the news that we finally had our first return. Someone was not happy with their wraps... 

I mean, it had to happen eventually, right?!  But, we were concerned all the same.  We put a lot of heart and soul into our little business. You can bet it's usually one of us handwriting the notes we send out with the orders, and the more news we hear about how much plastic is in the world the more important it feels to get the word out and help people use less plastic in their lives. 

Of course we were happy to make the return, but we wanted to know why they were unhappy. We were relieved when we heard it was a texture thing for them.  They did not like the 'tacky' feel to the wraps.  Essentially they worked too well, ha.   

But, it did give us pause and also time to reflect.  With your help we have done amazing things over this past year and started to make a major dent in the use of plastic in NZ.  The ripples of change we are creating together are becoming a big wave of positive impact!

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